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Welcome To Our Business

Providing In-Home , Community-Based Support and Transportation  Services through the   Medicaid Waiver Program 

Core Va​lues

“Making the world a better place​ by serving persons with intellectual and developmental disabilities with unique abilities"

Mission Statement

 "To effectively support caregivers and serve persons with Intellectual and Developmental Disability challenges"

ALF 8860 ADRD Training Provider LLC. is mandated to coordinate with The Agency for Persons with Disabilities (APD) and the Agency for Health Care Administration (ACHA) as well as, work in partnership with local organizations to support people with developmental disabilities in living, learning, and working in their communities.

                                                        THE AGENCY SERVES PEOPLE WITH:

• Cerebral palsy

• Down syndrome

• Intellectual disabilities

• Phelan-McDermid syndrome

• Prader-Willi syndrome

• Severe forms of autism

• Spina bifida


The person must live in Florida, be at least 3 years old, and have a diagnosed developmental disability that occurred before the age of 18 to be eligible for APD services. Children ages 3 to 5 who are at risk of being diagnosed with a developmental disability may also be served by APD.


APD customers may be served in their community by funding provided through the iBudget Florida waiver. Other customers receive assistance without being enrolled in the waiver. Some APD customers are served by two Developmental Disabilities Centers. The Agencies for Persons for Disabilities helps more than 50,000 Floridians with development​al disabilities each year. As one of its service providers,  ALF 8860 ADRD Training Provider LLC. is a Florida Medicaid Provisional Provider Serving in the Northeast Region 4 for Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities Individuals in the CDC plus program which is a long-term care program alternative to the Medicaid Home and Community-Based Services (HCBS) and those in the Medicaid Waiver Program.

Provider Type: Home and Community Based Services Waiver. Specialty Developmental Disability, Residential Treatment and Mental Retardation.  For further information please visit: www.


Personal Supports

Respite (under 21 yrs.)

Life Skills Development 1 (Companion)

Life Skills Development 2 (Supported Employment)

Supported Living Coaching



Personal Supports/Companion/Respite Jobs
  • Direct Care Core Competencies Training Plan – (DCCC)
  • HIPAA Basics
  • Zero Tolerance
  • HIV/AIDs/Infection Control
  • Medication Administration and Medication Validation (Classroom)
  • Medication Annual Updates
  • First AID/ CPR 
  • Blood Bourne Pathogens                                                                                                                           Supported Living Coaching and Employment Jobs

  • Supported Living Certification-Classroom

  • Supported Employment-Best Practices in Supported Employment and Introduction to Social Security Work Incentives (Classroom)                        

    Diagram retrieved from:

Zero Tolerance 

We also support  the Zero Tolerance initiative of the Florida Agency for Persons with Disabilities (APD).

We believe that together, we can end the abuse, neglect, and exploitation of people with disabilities.

Our Featured Service:


How can our Non-Emergency Transportation Service help?

We are approved by APD to provide non-emergency transportation service to IDD clients who qualify through the Medicaid Waiver program.

Our agency realizes that access to affordable and reliable transportation continues to be a challenge.

We coordinate with individuals, group home managers, and some ADT Centers to provide clients access to non-emergency medical appointments, ADT Centers, and other community resources.


“Providing in-home support, community-based and transportation services to persons with intellectual and developmental disabilities “


MONDAY                                        6::30AM - 5 PM

TUESDAY                                        6 :30AM- 5 PM

WEDNESDAY                                 6:30AM-    5PM

THURSDAY                                    6;30AM-    5 PM

FRIDAY                                           6;30AM-    5 PM

SATURDAY                                     10AM- 1 PM

SUNDAY                                         CLOSED


Welcome To Our Business

 Core Values

"We strive to personally match strengths, personalities, and talents of our direct support professionals, companions and sitters to the specific needs of those we serve"

Our Visi​on

•To be known and valued for providing the highest standard of services.

•To be the provider of choice in the community.

• To be the employer of choice in the community.

•To be a financially viable agency.

Mission Statement

"To provide quality, compassionate and trustworthy services to our clients while building a good reputation in our communities"

Schedule a Free Consultation

We will guide you through the process and thoroughly explain how we will work with your unique situation.


Administrator/Chief Consultant:

Erica Evans

5991 Chester Ave Suite 105, Jacksonville FL. 32217

Tele: P. 904-496-0169 F. 904-374-2121 C.904-250-7363

© 2018 ADRD- Training Provider LLC. Headquarters 5991 Chester Ave. Suite 105, Jacksonville FL. 32217

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